WV 2016-2017 Final Milestone Report
In order to stay on track in achieving pollution reduction targets and meeting Chesapeake Bay goals, West Virginia sets programmatic milestones that are reported on annually and revised every two years. Currently, West Virginia has just completed their 2 year milestones for 2016-2017 and all milestones have been completed. Milestone Report.PDF
WV Offsets Status
All jurisdictions in the Chesapeake drainage are required to offset any new nitrogen or phosphorus pollutant loads that have occurred since the TMDL was developed in 2010. If a new point source wants to discharge into a river or stream, or if an existing point source wants to expand and increase their discharge, they have to offset those new loads. All offsets are tracked so that they can be accurately accounted for. West Virginia Cumulative Trading-Offset Tracking List